The Parish Council serves in an executive capacity to advise the pastor regarding the spiritual, social, and educational life of the parish. The Council, together with the pastor, approves the annual parish budget. It meets six times a year, on the first Thursday of the even numbered months of the calendar.
President: Fr. Rex Arnold
The Finance and Property Committee advises the pastor regarding the management of parish finances and property, reviews and oversees the annual parish audit done by an outside accounting firm, and advises the pastor and business manager regarding the maintenance and improvement of the parish buildings and grounds.
Our fiscal year is the twelve months between July 1st and June 30th. The annual budget process begins each February, and a proposed budget is recommended by the Finance Committee to the pastor and Parish Council for approval in May. To learn more about the Finance & Property Committee, contact Jayne Clarke.
The Stewardship Committee promotes discipleship as a way of life through our practice of stewardship in response to God's love and abundant gifts. Committee members assist with the parish ministry directory, various educational efforts, our new parishioner welcoming ministry and the annual invitational Stewardship Appreciation Dinner. Members of the committee study the Archbishop Coakley's pastoral letter, "Stewardship: A Disciple's Response." To learn more about the Stewardship Committee, contact Kerri Beasley.